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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  March 15, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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ity store is here. and it's simple, easy, awesome. welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. thank you for sharing this busy news day with us. hate and terror in new zealand. nearly 50 dead, dozens more wounded by gunfire that interrupted friday prayer at two mosques. plus, president trump ready to issue the first vite-off of his presidency after a dozen republicans broke from the white house and rejected his declaration of an emergency at the southern border. and north korea says it may end nuke lure talks with the white house and go back to missile launches and weapons testing. they say they get along fine with the president, but his national security adviser and secretary of state are too rigid.
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>> they flatly accused you of creating an atmosphere of mistrust and hostility. >> yeah. well, first, they're wrong about that. >> back to that later. we begin the hour with shocking deadly hate and worldwide condemnation. at least 49 people are dead today after a terrorist attack on two mosques in the city of christchurch, new zealand. police say a gunman opened fire at a mosque on friday afternoon local time. friday, of course, being the busiest day for many mosques around the world, when muslims convene for friday prayers. one eyewitness says more than 200 people were inside. worshippers scrambling to escape say the attacker just kept shooting. >> we hide behind the cars and under the car, and then when we see the fighting still on, we try to jump the fence, and then we hide next house to the mosque on the side.
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and fighting was on and on. >> the gunman then drove to a second mosque and opened fire there as well. police have charged one man in his late 20s with murder. he's expected in court saturday morning local time in new zealand. just before the attack, an account police believe belongs to the gunman posted a link to a 70-page anti-immigration manifesto, filled with anti-immigrant and anti-muslim views. then streaming the rampage in a graphic realtime first-person media. social media sites are now working to remove that footage from the internet. new zealand's prime minister describing this as one of the country's darkest days. arwa damon is joining me live from istanbul. worldwide condemnation. put this horrible attack into context for us. >> reporter: you know, john, there's just still so much shock out there with people and various leaders really trying to come to terms with this most recent attack, although sadly, when you look at the global
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stage, it does seem to be the sort of violence, horrific violence that is on the increase. we heard from turkish president erdogan, who is addressing the rise of islamophobia, and he was saying that even though islamophobia has long been watched and has long been increasing, that with this attack, it has gone beyond the line of individual harassment and to one of mass murder. and then he went on to call on the leaders of all nations, but especially western nations to take measures against this perilous course of events which threatens all of mankind. because, john, at the core of all of this is this sort of fear that can potentially be generated and then manipulated. i was talking to a cab driver on the way over to the bureau who was saying that this kind of violence can only be carried out not by a human being but by an animal, but he, too, was underscoring this notion that we cannot allow this sort of
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violence, this sort of rhetoric to create fear amongst populations, to create fear amongst people of different ethnicities, of different religions. and there is a certain burden of responsibility on all of us to try to stand against hateful rhetoric, stand against discrimination, to try to stand against individuals that would try to sew and foment and take advantage of this kind of fear, whether, john, they're the actions of a single individual or the actions of a terrorist organization. >> arwa damon for us live in istanbul. it's hard to comprehend sometimes the level of this hatred. arwa, appreciate it. president trump back here in the united states responding to the attacks in a sweet earlier today -- "my warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of new zealand after the horrible massacre in the mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died with so many seriously injured. the u.s. stands by new zealand for anything we can do. god bless all!" joining me here in studio to share their reporting and
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insights, cnn's jessica schneider, national security analyst peter bergen and crime and justice reporter. jessica, you have been studying and going through this manifesto. we don't want to quote hate on television, but from reading through it, consulting with experts on this, what are the major takeaways? >> this was 87 pages filled with hate, anti-muslim, anti-immigrant. it talked about his motivations and also the logistics here. he says he's been planning this, thinking about this for two years and in particular for the past three months he's been thinking about this particular attack in christchurch, new zealand. he also talks about specific motivations for this attack. in particular, he says he was in western europe. he says he was disturbed by the amount of immigrants he saw. and he also was disturbed by two things in particular, two events -- 2017, the truck attack in stockholm, sweden that killed five people, where a truck plowed through a crowd. that disturbed him, that terrorist attack. and then he also talked about,
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referenced the 2017 french elections. he said that he was rooting for marine le pen, of course, associated with the nationalist party there. and of course, emmanuel macron won and he lost all faith, as he said. so he lays it out in disturbing detail. and one last thing, john. he talks about why did he choose new zealand? and he said he wanted the world to know that nowhere is safe. because new zealand hasn't seen a mass shooting since 1990. people thought it would never happen there because of the tight gun control, but it did. >> to that point, before we continue the conversation, let's listen to new zealand's prime minister, because in the view of the officials there, because it has been so long, because gun violence is not a daily occurrence in a place like new zealand, it is incomprehensible. >> many of those who will have been directly affected by this shooting may be migrants to new zealand. they may even be refugees here. they have chosen to make new zealand their home, and it is their home. they are us.
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the person who has perpetuated this violence against us is not. they have no place in new zealand. there is no place in new zealand for such acts of extreme and unprecedented violence. >> the messages from leadership are critical at a moment like this, and the prime minister saying they are us, meaning the refugees, they are us, a direct counter to what you read in that manifesto. peter, you understand this better than anybody. what are your takeaways from, a, how it played out, and b, from the messages this gunman is trying to spread? >> one interesting thing is he describes himself. and the person he describes is sort of a loser. he didn't go to university. he describes himself as a kebab removalist. i'm not sure what that is, but i assume it's working in the fast-food business. and the profile is similar to omar mateen, who killed 49 people at the gay nightclub in florida and they're around the same age, 28, 29. people going nowhere fast in life, kind of losers hoping to be heroes in their own story. they find an ideology that
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allows them to be violent and this happens, whether it's jihadism or far-right ideology. the other point i'd make, jonathan, is that, you know, terrorists are becoming their own producers. so every terrorist attack in the future -- we saw this with isis in paris, where an isis militant broadcast live on facebook when he offered he killed a policeman and his girlfriend. so in the future, we're going to see terrorists being producers of their own live coverage. >> bring it home for us in the sense that this has been on the fbi's worry list for quite some time. peter points to the terrorists being their own producers. this is also the global nature of this. you can track, no matter where you live in the world, you can track it now and find -- to use the word loosely, friends and allies, if you will, in the cause of hate. >> yeah, this is definitely something that the fbi has been concerned about. they study these shootings, no matter where they happen, and they try to figure out what happened here, how did this happen, was something missed?
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there has been an uptick in domestic terrorism arrests related to domestic terrorism, because there aren't any charges in the federal system for domestic terrorism, so what the fbi has been doing, when they think they have someone who is potentially about to do something like this, they find creative ways to charge them, whether it's through gun charges. sometimes we've even seen cases like this where it's child pornography charges. they will do whatever they can legally to take this person off the street, because it's very hard. someone may be thinking about this doing, right? we know this happens a lot. they may be talking on facebook, on social media about doing this, and the fbi may find ways to start monitoring them, but to actually get probable cause for an arrest is always difficult. so they try to find creative ways. but as you said, there is a lot of concern here in the u.s. for something like this to happen, and they have seen an uptick in terms of the rhetoric that the fbi has seen. it's certainly concerning for them. >> right. just to show some of the stats there, 25 arrests in the first quarter of fy 2019, 900 open
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domestic terror investigations here in the united states. you already hear alerts from u.s. officials and around the world, please have extra security at mosques, please have extra security at any religious institutions at this point. to the point about the internet and the shrinking globe, new zealand does not seem all that far away today, does it, from here in washington, d.c., because of the power, and sometimes the peril, of social media and the internet. you can track these things, but in an open society, new zealand, much like ours, you're allowed to say things. you're allowed to say hateful things. we had this conversation, sadly, too often, but what are the answers to that? >> well, there's no easy answer. obviously in this country there's a first amendment. but for instance, the video this guy made. you know, child pornography is more or less banished from the internet because basically all images have their own photo dna. so now we have this video out there of this guy carrying out this attack. it has its own photo dna. so, social media companies will share this information and will be able to quickly take this
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particular video down. but to the larger question about hate on the internet, i mean, the guy in his manifesto which we've been discussing, he specifically said, like, this is where i can go for all this information. so you know, stopping that is just not possible. youtube gets 400 hours of new material every minute, you know? the volume is absolutely -- and facebook's hired 3,000 people to help try and bring down this content, not just terrorism content, but other hateful content. but you know, it is a very difficult task. >> very difficult indeed. and sad we have to talk about it on such difficult days. appreciate everyone coming in. we'll continue to bring you latest. shift to politics. the republican senate rebukes the president. is that a bad omen for trump 2020? than tylenol extra stre. and last longer with fewer pills. so why am i still thinking about this? i'll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain. the way you triumph over adversity.
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the president today ready to use his veto pen over the republican rebuke. is it an isolated rejection of the president's policy or a lasting fracture in the gop family that could be a lingering
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problem for the president heading into 2020? the president on twitter thanking the, quote, strong republicans who voted with him. the opposite of strong, of course, is weak, and that is certainly how the president views the 12 republican lawmakers who broke ranks. the 12 senators say they share the president's end goal to secure the border, but they say the means to get it done, that national emergency declaration, tips the balance of power too much in favor of the execute. the president's sources say he feels quite differently. view this as a loyalty test and reacted angrily to wednesday's dinnertime attempt to find him an off-ramp. white house plans for a public event to deliver that veto message later today means the president also wants to deliver the message. let's discuss that with me, kaitlan collins, jackie kucinich with "the daily beast," heather cagle with politico and cnn's nia-malika henderson. so, you could veto it quietly, issue a paper statement, or you could -- >> no. >> you're shaking your head already. >> right. >> donald trump became the republican nominee by running
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not just against the democrats, but against the republican establishment. is that what we're going to get here? >> yeah. >> there's a piece of my party who doesn't get it? >> he wanted this fight. aides told the president over a week ago, senator mike lee is working on a proposal where the republicans will side with you on this, but they want you to not do this again in the future, and the president was not interested in that idea at all and said, until he tweeted yesterday, of course, but he wasn't interested in that. he wanted this fight. he has no hesitation about this first veto of his presidency because he said this is going to be a loyalty test. we'll see who's with me, who's going to buck me, and i'm going to remember that in 2020 and make sure you tell those lawmakers that. but i think the president framing this as a loyalty test misses a big aspect of this, which is not that these senators who voted against the president yesterday were rebuking the wall or his policies on immigration, but it was a separation of powers thing, and that's why they saw it like that. but the president told them the last week, he said this isn't about the constitution, this isn't about president. he brushed off all of those concerns that they had, when that is exactly what they're worried about. >> because he wants it to be about him and what he wants.
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to that point, and you walk the halls of capitol hill every day. these are not squishes. let's put up the 12 senators here. their percentage of voting with trump range from mitt romney's 70% to roger wicker and roy blunt in the 95% range, and mitt romney just got here, so that's going to go up. he's just starting to cast votes. this is not exactly like people -- susan collins may be the outlier there, a more moderate republican who votes against the president a bit more often. but these are not people who run to the floor every day critic e criticizing the president. they just think we have a congress for a reason. we appropriate the money. when we cast votes and you don't get your money, you can't declare a national emergency and find it somewhere else. >> yeah, i think the fact that a dozen of these senators voted with democrats, when they only needed four, sends a significant message to trump. it's we don't agree with what you're doing here, we want you to think about this again in the future. but then again, you look at who did vote with trump, and it's almost everyone who's up in 2020, except for susan collins, right? because she is the moderate republican, so we're not really expecting her to side with
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trump. >> yes. >> to your point -- >> thom tillis -- the one who's not pictured there, who probably would have been, he wrote an op ed less than three weeks ago saying that -- >> sounded really proud and principled, didn't he? >> yeah, he did. he did. until, i guess, it started occurring to him that he might get a primary challenge, and he brushed that back yesterday. but let's get real here, this was about 2020. this was about being viable in 2020. and this, whether you're with me or you're against me, that's when -- i mean, ben sasse also someone who has spoken out about this, not as vehemently as tillis, obviously, also tried to say that this was a nancy pelosi political move. you can say that if your whole party follows that logic. not if you're an outlier. >> yeah. >> and so, process has never been a conversation that's smart to have about the trump white house, right? if you think about traditional process. but brendan buck, who used to work on the hill a long time, makes a good point. he's quoted this in the "washington post" -- "this was the inevitable outcome, and it's unclear why any effort or
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political capital was spent trying to avoid it. there aren't the votes to override, so why bother negotiati negotiating"? in other words, saying let's not talk about it. mr. president, you're going to lose, but just do it, get it over with. don't jack up the coverage of it and make a bigger deal of it. just make it move on. but -- >> yeah, i mean, not make a bigger deal of it? i mean, that's sort of what the president does. he likes to make a big deal of things like this. he wants this to be an issue in 2020. he wants the contrast not only with sort of what might be called squishy republicans in the establishment, in washington. he wants that contrast and also with democrats. so, that's what we get here. and i think to jackie's point, i mean, the idea that thom tillis literally spent, you know, hours, maybe, writing this op ed and then completely flipping tells you everything you need to know about the party. and i think it's actually much more important than the 12 who sided -- >> i agree. >> -- with democrats. >> shows he has juice. it shows the president does have juice with those people. >> with the voters -- yeah, he
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has voters and republicans -- >> and here are the numbers to back up the juice. this is the president's approval rating among republicans. if you're a republican, maine is different than most of the country, so susan collins, you understand her vote. if you're a republican, there's the president, in the 80s still. it goes up or down a little bit, but essentially goes between 80% and 90% right there. so, the president speaks to republican voters, they listen. so if you're thom tillis, you think maybe that's not where i want to be. which gets me to the question, is this -- we saw it in the yemen vote, too, foreign policy question. a lot of members of congress sick of the civil war in yemen, sick of the united states support for the saudi-led coalition. so there's one vote where you lost some republicans. now you have the president's signature issue, immigration. is that it? they just happened to come up at the same time? or is there a broader disagreement and somebody, listening to jeb bush here, who came out on the losing end in 2016, says you know what, this is a president who hasn't balanced the budget, whose trade views are different from the party, there should be a challenger. >> i think someone should run just because republicans ought to be given a choice. it's hard to beat a sitting
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president. but to have a conversation about what it is to be a conservative i think's important. the democrats now are proposing new ideas, some of which i think are way out there. and if republicans think they can just say that's bad and not offer a compelling alternative, that could be bad for us. >> it's just interesting to listen to him because there's two ways to look at this. number one, he just ran against trump. there's still a lot of bad blood, no question, so jeb bush wants somebody else to go out there and get chainsawed on twitter and chainsawed in the debates to try to make the point. but his father lost his re-election campaign when pat buchanan challenged him. pat buchanan did not beat george h.w. bush in the primaries, about the he wounded him. so jeb bush knows it doesn't have to be a successful republican challenge, just one that lands some punches, weakens an incumbent. >> in terms of what's going on in the senate with this vote in particular, standing up for the constitution is very different than coming at the president's job. >> mm-hmm. >> and i think to the republicans, and with the party behind him, the larger party
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apparatus, i think that's a much bigger deal and a much bigger undertaking than voting against him here or there. >> but this issue is going to keep coming up. democrats have promised to bring it up every chance they can to put republicans on the spot as long as this emergency order exists, so we will keep seeing this test over and over. >> and how much fire could a moderate draw among this kind of republican party, right? buchanan was basically challenging the moderate. he was a fire brand. he was in some ways, he was trump before trump was trump way back then. so it's unclear. somebody like jeff blake? >> radical center. >> it's so exciting. >> we do not have a lot of history with radical centrism popping up in primaries, but we shall watch. next, cory booker campaigning in new hampshire today, trying to fundraise off guess who, beto o'rourke. a whole new way
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xfinity, the future of awesome. you talk about loving people all the time. do you love donald trump? and i just basically said, look, i'm -- my mom taught sunday school, okay? and she taught me to love my enemies, but i'm also a former football player for stanford university. you put me on the field, and you will have no stronger and harder fighter than i am, and i'm going to prove that in this state by going all over working from early in the morning until late at night.
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>> that's cory booker this morning in lebanon, new hampshire. the democratic senator turned presidential candidate saying don't be fooled by all his talk of love, the love mantras, he calls it, he's ready. you heard it there. you're laughing. ready to go one on one with president trump, but also prepared, if things don't go his way, to be a team player. >> will you pledge to support whoever does win, should it not be you? >> so, yes, i pledge to support them. and i saw what happened in the last presidential election where we were too divided to win. so, the short answer is yes. and i will be calling on everybody to unite behind the nominee. >> the personal reflection there in 2016 is interesting, says he spent a lot of time campaigning with secretary clinton, if you go back to that race. and that was, he didn't mention bernie, but his idea, a lot of democrats believe, that some sanders people didn't come out to play, didn't come out in november because of the bad blood. we're doing this, we spent a lot of time yesterday on beto. we're trying to be fair to the candidates going through this. booker is an interesting one, as we watch the race, in the sense that you see an african-american candidate in the race.
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you're staying with the democratic base, that should help. he's got kamala harris. then the party of women. then beto gets in and steals the storm yesterday. how do the other capped dates make their mark? >> it's interesting because you look at what beto was saying yesterday, and it seems entirely derivative of what obama was doing in 2008, and even sort of social media strategy of cory booker. cory booker was a sensation, right? on twitter, he was rescuing dogs and cats and shoveling snow and all sorts of things when he was mayor of newark. and now in some ways he seems like old news. i saw him down in selma a couple weeks ago. he's certainly able to connect with a crowd like that. it was mostly black people, obviously, and some white democrats as well, but the sort of, like fire that you see i think presently around somebody like beto, and even somebody like bernie sanders, you don't quite see it around cory booker. listen, it's early still.
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>> yeah. >> he's got this love mantra, which is you know, he's going to work with everybody and love con answers all, and it's beto's mantra as well. it's biden's a little bit, too. so we'll see what happens. >> this is a mar ton -- >> that's the challenge, every candidate has a different trajectory. some come in like that, enter come down, others do this, some do a slow build. >> and you could do a slow build, but so much of this will come down to how president trump shapes the race and how he defines that candidate. and you see him already trying to do that with beto o'rourke. he did that once they were both in el paso, the president criticizing his crowd size, saying he's already lost. and yesterday, just after beto had put out that video, the president was criticizing it in the oval office, talking about his hand movement, which a lot of people agreed with. that what something a lot of people found distracting from that video. the president has a talent at targeting people and finding what is not myrrh weakness, but something very defining about them, something that sticks with people and can help shape his message for them. so it will be interesting to see as these democrats try to
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distinguish themselves from this vast field of candidates, as the president also tries to shape them in voters' eyes. >> and that's the challenge, right? defining themselves before the president defines them. >> right. >> and that is going to be a real challenge for some of the candidates that might nop be as well known as some of the others. and you see cory booker trying to forge his way. it is still note worthy that the president hasn't commented on kamala harris yet on twitter. he just, he has complimented her crowd sizes. and i mean, not reading the tea leaves too much, but i think that's note worthy and interesting that that has not happened yet and how he's going to try to do that. >> we're showing you senator booker at another event in new hampshire, a live picture from claremont. he's trying to navigate the party. hillary clinton was the female nominee last time. a lot of democrats have bad feelings, they didn't elect a woman president. you have a number of women running in this field. here's cory booker's solution to that dynamic. >> i am very confident that this
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election we will make history, because no matter what, i'm looking you in the eye and saying this, there will be a woman on the ticket. i don't know if it's in the vice president's position or the president's position, but if i have my way, there will be a woman on the ticket. >> nominate me, i'll pick a woman. >> that's what he's saying, right? like, i think with booker, we see a candidate who is very organized in iowa, very organized in new hampshire, in south carolina, even, but it still struggling to break through and, like, find his lane. and yesterday we saw his actress girlfriend was interviewed in the airport on tmz, and that cut into a little bit of the beto oxygen in the news. and then today he says, hey, nominate me, i'll put a woman on the ticket. like, he's trying to make news. is it working? like -- >> but it's so early still in terms of breaking through. we have to say that. >> i do think one of the things to note about beto o'rourke is he's unemployed. he can stay in iowa day in and
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day out and go all over the country in a way that these folks -- they've got day jobs. they've got to be in washington voting. they've got a limited schedule. he's going to be knocking on doors all day and all night in iowa, and i think that's going to give him something of an advantage. and we'll see how folks can kind of make up the difference by, you know, from not being able to be there in the way that beto's going to be able to. >> good point. again, i agree, it is early. we will watch as we're going to do our best to be fair here and watch the different trajectories, try to carve out a space. quick programming note, this goes back a few campaigns. a four-party cnn series explores richard nixon's rise and fall, critical comeback and his political destruction. i can't wait for this one. don't miss never before seen footage in "tricky dick," sunday night at 9:00 p.m. and before we go to break, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? not so sure about this attempt, republican congressman dan crenshaw.
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topping our political radar today, president trump nominating a new nato commander, tapping u.s. air force general todd walters to lead the u.s. european command and to be the top general overseeing nato operations in europe. the north atlantic council has approved the general's title, which will be supreme allied commander europe.
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his nomination must be approved by the united states senate. new york mayor bill de blasio heading to new hampshire this weekend as he weighs a run for president in 2020. and like other progressives, he's already being asked what he thinks about capitalism. >> do you believe in the capitalist system? >> i believe in -- i'm a social democrat. i believe that we are living in a capitalist system that has strengths and weaknesses, and we have to address it with a strong role of government. and right now that's not happening sufficiently. >> another democratic contender, candidate amy klobuchar telling cnn obamacare falls far short when it comes to controlling prescription drug prices. the minnesota senator has made this a central issue of her 2020 campaign. she says it's time to address what the affordable care act failed, in her view, to fix. >> so a missed opportunity? >> i'd say it is a missed opportunity, but now we must move forward. and that's why i think both parties have been guilty of not bringing these up, but there's
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one party in charge right now, and that's the republican party. >> beto o'rourke already making waves as a democratic presidential candidate. he spoke last hour to voters in mt. pleasant, iowa. cnn caught up with some of the voters. one says she doesn't want just another celebrity running for president. >> i want to make sure that we don't just have another celebrity running for president. i'm not saying beto's that way, but he's got a celebrity image now already. i think it's wonderful that he started in this section of iowa because you cannot win a campaign by just going to des moines or iowa city or cedar rapids or sioux city. you have got to pick up the rural people, too. >> i love the last part. iowans just making, fighting for their turf in iowa. we're on day to. he got a lot of attention. he got a lot of buzz, had small events on purpose, so they looked packed. they were packed, but i'm not
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disrespecting the crowds. but that's the way to do it. early events. santiago was just with him and asked how his fund-raising was, one key test. wasn't ready to tell us yet. >> i'll bet it will be a big number. i called around to folks in south carolina to get a sense of how they were viewing him on the first day, and people are going to be seeing him on tv mainly. some of the comments i got, he's a kid. my money's on joe, joe, joey. they'll eat him up almost like they did with obama. and these were older voters that i talked to, because these are a lot of the voters he's going to be trying to win. that woman there, obviously, a senior. so that was just, you know, not a full sampling of how people are seeing him, but just the little kind of flavor for how people saw him on day one. >> and you're seeing from the other candidates a fund-raising, if you read your inboxes or texts, some complaints. why's he getting all this attention, what about us? >> right. this is a candidate who's very much defined by his personality and his policy prescriptions. even yesterday we saw on the hill, speaker pelosi, we asked her, what did you think about
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that? he was here for six years, what was his major policy accomplishment? and she was like, he brought a real vitality to the house, and that was her diplomatic answer. so we'll have to see how that plays in iowa and new hampshire and these early stages. >> that's going to be one of his biggest challenges, because he's running against policy hevz. these democratic contenders are really focused on policy. and getting into the nitty gritty early. and so we're not talking about sort of fluff here. so, and he's going to be pushed to define himself. he can't give these non answers that he's, or going around the question like he was yesterday. he's going to be pinned down. >> old enough to remember a campaign long ago, where's the beef was the line. we'll see if it comes up there. before break, the president will veto the national emergency declaration at 3:30 p.m., an event today in the oval office. when we come back, north korea threatening to walk away from nuclear talks. what the united states plans to do in response. pardon the interruption but this is big! now with t-mobile get the
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basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, and we couldn't do that. you always have to be prepared to walk. i could have signed an agreement today, and then you people would have said, oh, what a terrible deal, what a terrible thing he did. no, you have to be prepared to walk. >> well, today some evidence north korea may be thinking about the same tactic, threatening to walk away from denuclearization negotiations entirely. north korea's deputy foreign minister accusing secretary of state mike pompeo and national security adviser john bolton of create a, quote, atmosphere of hostility and mistrust, and obstructing the, quote, constructive effort for negotiations. both reacted to that this morning. >> i think that's inaccurate, but the president is our decisionmaker. >> they're wrong about that, and i was there. it's not the first time. i have a vague recollection of
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being called gangsterlike from a visit that i took one time previously. and following that, we continued to have very professional conversations where we tried our best to work together and represent our respective sides. i have every expectation that we'll be able to continue to do that. >> retired rear admiral john kirby joins our conversation. secretary pompeo is having lunch with the president right now. i suspect this is probably part of the conversation. bluster like this is in the north korean playbook, but how significant should we view it in the sense of the sequencing here, where they say we still have great relationships with the president, but? >> right, i see this as a shot across pompeo's bow right into the oval office by the north koreans. i don't think it means the end of the talks or that they're in some sort of ex-trems, but i do think it's a signal by the north koreans that they're not happy with where it's going and that they feel like the trump administration is continuing to put them in a box and leaving them very little negotiating space on the back end of that. >> and to the president's point, i mean, he'll be flattered.
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we want to deal directly with you, but in this case, the president actually did listen to his advisers. >> he did, and he walked away, did not make any concessions. but i think kim might be embarrassed that they made the trip to hanoi, walked away with no sanctions relief, and i think by criticizing pompeo and bolton, they can do that without criticizing the president directly and hope he'll soften his stance. but another aspect that's very much happening in the west wing is white house aides are happy that the president didn't give up anything, that he did walk away without signing a piece of paper that was meaningless, but they're questioning why they even held that summit, because clearly, you can see the sides are still so far apart, so they don't even know why the president went there. >> and this is a recurring theme going back three or four administrations. don't focus on what the north koreans say, focus on what they do. we have satellite images just released that show they've been doing some work at one of their testing facilities with the idea, they haven't agreed to shut these down. there's no deal, but that was part of the good work. no more missile tests, no more
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firing missiles over, no nuclear tests. you're supposed to scale back here. adam kinzinger, member of congress, more hawkish than the administration, said let's just stop. if negotiations aren't working, it's time to get tougher. >> we need to go back to having the stick option on the table. that doesn't mean threatening military action, but that means resuming the large-scale military exercises, making clear we're staying in south korea, making sure sanctions are enforced. this is a time where we have to inflict pain on north korea to make it clear they're not going to do what they've been doing for 40 years. >> is that a choice now, that especially with the blustery rhetoric out of north korea, to say fine, you want to talk that way? we're going to have full south korean certainly, it's a choice. i don't know that it's the best choice. i agree we need to keep the pressure up. i'm not a fan of the continued scaled-back exercises. i think we should continue to exercise with our south korean allies. and i think we have to put more pressure on them to get them back to the table, but i don't know i'd go so far to suspend the negotiations, say we're not
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going to talk anymore. the north koreans didn't say they were suspending it, but thinking of suspending it, sending a message to trump that they know there is division on his team and they don't believe the conditions set forth in hanoi were acceptable to them. they continue to see, it looks like privately as well as what we see publicly from the administration, that denuclearization has to come first and only, and then you get sanctioned relief. and they want more of a stair step approach. >> now the question is will the president give him that or will he think i gave you what i could at hanoi? we shall see. i'd like to be at that lunch right now. up next, what, if anything, does rick gates' continued cooperation tell us about the russia special counsel probe go anywhere dad, this is your home. the best home to be in is your own. home instead offers personalized in-home services for your loved ones. home instead senior care. to us, it's personal. why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. we're the tenney's and we're usaa members for life.
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. a new court filing from the russia special counsel today, and once again, robert mueller raises new questions, each as he answers one. what'd we learn today? that the special counsel is still not ready to schedule a sentencing date for rick gates. the special counsel and attorneys for gates told the court he continues to provide information in, quote, several ongoing investigations. gates and lawyers for the special counsel promise to file an update in 60 days. cnn's roeporters joining us now. what is robert mueller telling us in telling us nothing? >> there are still several ongoing investigations where gates is a value, and you would have thought with the sentencing, that would end his role, but we're learning that gates is still a key person in
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ongoing investigations. as part of his cooperation, he has to cooperate with any federal or state investigation, and we do know that the u.s. attorney's office in manhattan is investigating the inaugural fund. think of gates' role. he was on the campaign, was around during the transition and was a key senior member of the inaugural committee. >> so, for me, that's where i think everything is. they can't say that they're done with rick gates until he's done cooperating in every investigation. >> so mueller's the front guy. i don't mean it that way -- >> to me, that's how i read it. >> there's other stuff we don't want to talk about publicly, so mueller says judge, i need more time. >> right. because if you notice the two names on that form you have there, on that filing you have there, one of them is andrew weissmann. he's leaving. he's leaving the special counsel's office. they can't reveal who rick gates is working with, because they don't want to tell us what other office is handling this investigation because that's going to give us some clues toes what's going on. so rick gates is still very much involved. i think it's not just the special counsel's office. it's the department of justice. there are several, as that says,
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ongoing investigations. >> and we know about the inaugural investigation, so we know there are some other trump organizations rick gates may or may not have information about, but also, the manafort investigation predated mueller and rick gates has a manafort business partner, could be some of that, quote/unquote foreign lobbying and the like. >> exactly. there are a lot of foreign lobbying allegations, a lot out there that that's what this may be about. >> the manhattan district attorney's office this week charged manafort, so if that goes to trial, rick gates will be a key person in that trial, too. >> there were some of us who thought we were going to get a mueller report last week or the week before or this week. we will reply to you no later than may 14th, 2019. does that mean anything or is that just a placeholder? >> to me, that's just a placeholder. i think, look, what we saw in michael flynn, when they were ready to sentence him, they had brought charges in that other case he was cooperating in, and this is the one out of virginia. we could see some more cases
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being brought in the next 60 days outside of the special counsel's office, other u.s. attorneys, and then we will know at that point that they're ready to sentence rick gates. >> look on the bright side, nothing redacted today. we'll solve the mystery eventually. thanks for joining us for "inside politics." erica hill is in for brianna keilar. she starts right now. have a great afternoon. i'm erica hill in for brianna keilar. under way right now, we begin with breaking news. the aftermath of the horrific attack on two mosques in new zealand. at least 49 people are dead, dozens more wounded. a man in his late 20s is in custody, charged with murder. and a racist manifesto believed to be linked to the attack points to the motive behind the massacre -- hate. the gunman opening fire on worshippers who had gathered for friday prayers, and he apparently streamed the attack on social media as it unfolded.
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